List of Oil and Gas Service and Technology companies located within Abia State

List of Oil and Gas Service and Technology companies located within Abia State

The Oil and Gas Service and Technology companies in Nigeria are organized under the Petroleum Technology Association of Nigeria (PETAN), an association of Nigerian Indigenous Technical Oilfield service companies in the upstream, midstream, and downstream sectors of the Oil industry. The association was formed to bring together Nigerian Oil & Gas entrepreneurs to create a forum for the exchange of ideas with the major operators and policy makers.  As of the time of this work, there are 100 registered members in PETAN as shown in Appendix 9, with offices in Lagos, Warri, and Port-Harcourt, the three main cities that warehouse the oil and gas industry in Nigeria. 

However, with the development of the Industrial and Innovation Park, Abia State can provide an alternative but much more innovative and advanced facilities for the Service and Technology body, and should therefore woo PETAN to partner with it in the development of the Industrial Park as quickly as possible.     ve centuries, but also the leap into electronics are o nic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

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